/ Jimmy's Corner: The Grand Imam of Al Azhar says it all!

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Sunday, January 29, 2006 

The Grand Imam of Al Azhar says it all!

The Grand Imam of Al Azhar Sheikh Mohamed Said Tantawi says it all about why religion is misunderstood and misinterpreted these days as he comments on the Danish caricatures I was talking about in the previous post. I am quoting Zenobia’s Egyptian Chronicles on the Imam’s comment:
Shekih Said Tantawy made a very offensive statement "The Danish newspaper should not attack a dead man !!"
Ladies and gentlemen the dead man he was referring to is Prophet Mohammed "PBUH", the prophet of Islam.
The occasion was meeting with the Danish ambassador who is trying to save some of the remaining Danish Islamic relations…”
I believe if this shows something it shows how great the wit of the man who is head of the most is important and influential Sunni Muslim Center: Al Azhar. Sheikh Tantawi’s problem with the caricatures is just because they attack “a dead man”.

My questions to Sheikh Tantawi are very simple:
  1. If you call Prophet Muhammed as just “a dead man” (which connotes some disrespect in Arabic especially when it refers to a main religious figure like the Prophet (PBUH)) how can you ask others to respect him?
  2. Is your problem is just they attack a dead man? Not because they give a totally stereotypical wrong image of Prophet Muhammed?
  3. Do you think it is okay to pictorially depict the Prophet?
Well I just want to draw your attention to one fact: in Egypt the Grand Imam of Al Azhar and the Mufti are appointed by the president, not elected. That is why most of those who occupy these two positions are hypocrite to the government or at least “saving their breaths”. Moreover, those who fall short of fulfilling what the government asks of them are simply kicked out days after they are appointed. No wonder Sheikh Tantawi has such a great wit… /sarcasm.


All the guys in the Bible are dead, even Jesus.

I am starting to think that you are retarded. Jimmy.

Your sliding over the edge Jimmy, you need to try harder to find the truth.

It's not in the cult of Islam. I'm not sure where it is but Islam is nothing more than the most evil and destructive cult on this planet, so look elsewhere

Papa Ray
West Texas


Great post! I agree entirely. I find it incredibly hypocritical of some in the west (specifically the US) to try and label this as "freedom of speech".

I'd like to see these so called protectors of freedom of speech publish similar cartoons of the late Dr. King. Maybe depicting him as somehow responsible for racial gang violence in inner cities.

Aside from the usual racist rednecks, no one would come within 100 miles of such cartoons.

Where's the freedom of speech there?

Keep up the good work.

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