/ Jimmy's Corner: National Initiative Against Power Inheritance

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Thursday, September 21, 2006 

National Initiative Against Power Inheritance

While I was surfing through the news and Egyptian websites, I found this very couragous intiative that actually declares what most of the Egyptians share about Gamal Mubarak. If you are pro-democracy and against the inheritance of power by Gamal Mubarak, please read and sign the following intiative.

"We, the undersigned, declare our opposition to power inheritance and Gamal Mubarak's succession to his father. Besides Gamal's lack of qualifications, we strongly believe that power inheritance is against freedom, democracy, and equal opportunity among the Egyptian citizens... (continue)"

I have signed there myself, and it is open for people all over the world. And fellow Egyptians, try for once to make your voice be heard.

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  • I'm Jimmy
  • From Cairo, Egypt
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