/ Jimmy's Corner: Nuke Texas

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Saturday, February 02, 2008 

Nuke Texas

While surfing the internet I ran through a blog that I know is full of racism and exceptional stereotypical view of the world; that at some point can be confused with ignorance. I am not attacking the people running that blog but I am describing how I view whatever the write or post about Middle East or Muslims or even Arabs as a whole. And the fact is if I go low down to use the same way of argument and the same look at matters as they do, I would call what they do absolute ignorance.

I find it so interesting to think how their mindless ideas would appeal to them if I used the other way.

In the sidebar of the blog I found this photo:

And I wondered, what would they feel if I added this photo to my sidebar:

Even if it feels okay with them to read this on an Egyptian blog, I would not feel okay about that because I know I am not ignorant enough to call for the slaughter of innocent people or the destruction of their religious symbol for nothing but hatred and stupidity.

Deepest apologies to my friends in Texas Martha, Michael, Sandra, Timothy, Martin and whoever reads this from Texas. I was just using the same ideology some of your folks are using online.

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