Bin Laden's will!
This new tape Bin Laden broadcasted today makes me think this guy is preparing his will. The guy asserted that he will not be captured like Saddam, but he will die "free". To be honest, this tape gives me three possibilities about what it is intended to derive:
One positive thing about the three possibilities is that they all leave us with the idea that Bin Laden is now in danger. And like Sandmonkey, I agree with you Bin Laden, I wanna see you dead.
- Bin Laden realized that the danger is sooo close and he is speaking his mind to his allies and enemies.
- Bin Laden knew the danger is too close and he is about to fall, therefore, he tries to gather sympasizers and motivate his terrorists around the globe to move. This might justify why he posted the new tape on a militant web forum, not Al Jazeera, to make sure that his message is received by supporters directly.
- Bin Laden knows the danger is close, so he is playing a game. He is giving the world the impression that his end is so close, and that he is thinking of his end. Then Al Qaeda operates (a) massive strike(s) somewhere, a strike that will not only destroy buildings and kill people, but even morales. Consquently, this will push the world to think Al Qaeda is not giving up and people would ask for reconsideration of the truce Bin Laden offers. At the same time winning more damn sympathizers.
One positive thing about the three possibilities is that they all leave us with the idea that Bin Laden is now in danger. And like Sandmonkey, I agree with you Bin Laden, I wanna see you dead.